
 1. 미토콘드리아 Mitochondria in thin sec. of kidney or liver, specially prepared and stained

 2. 고사리 포자낭 Pteridium, leaves with sori and sporangia, section shows l.s. of sori within inrolled margins of the leaves

 3, 검물벼룩 Cyclops, w.m.

 4. 규조 Diatoms stained for protoplasmatic structure

 5. 초파리 Entire insect, sagittal l.s. of Drosophila, fruit fly, showing all structures for general study

 6. 아메바 Amoeba proteus w.m.

 7. 볼복스 Volvox, w.m.

 8. 개구리알말 Batrachospermum, w.m. red alga

 9. 유글레나 Euglena viridis, w.m.

10. 플라나리아 Planaria turbellaria

11. 그물말 Hydrodiction, water net, w.m.

12. 아나베나 Anabaena, w.m.

13. 짚신벌레 Paramecium, w.m.

14. 히드라 Hydra, w.m. (Pelmatohydra)

15. 붓뚜겅말 Oedogonium, w.m.

16. 해캄 Vegetative filaments, Spirogyra, Zygnema, Mougeotia

17. 반달말 Closterium, a crescent-shaped desmid w.m.

18. 물벼룩 Daphnia, w.m. of freshwater flea

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