
 1. 민들레뿌리 Dandelion (Taraxacum), root with lactiferous vessels l.s.

 2. 양파뿌리(유사분열) Allium cepa, onion, root tips, l.s. showing all stages of mitosis

 3. 무의 뿌리털 Raphanus, radish, t.s. of root showing secondary growth and several cambium rings

 4. 뿌리골무 Root hairs, w.m. of root tip showing root cap and root hairs, stained

 5. 양파세포 Epidermal cells of Allium cepa (onion), flat mount shows typical plant cells with nuclei, cytoplasm and cell walls

 6. 풀과 나무줄기 Herbaceous and woody stems, two t.s. on one slide

 7. 호박체관/물관 Cucurbita, t.s. of stem showing large sieve tubes and vascular bundles

 8. 오이체관/물관 Bryonia, t.s. of stem showing large sieve plates

 9. 백합의 외피 Syringa, lilac, leaf t.s. showing epidermis, palisade parenchyma, spongy parenchyma, vascular bundles

10. 튤립 공변세포 Tulipa, tulip, leaf epidermis with stomata and guard cells w.m.

11. 백합의 암술/수술 Lilium, l.s. through pistil and stigma with pollen and pollen tubes

12. 자주달개비의 엽록체 Chloroplasts, in sec. of Tradescantia shoot

13. 양파의 유사분열 Allium, root tips, l.s. showing all stages of mitosis

14. 양파뿌리미토콘드리아 Mitochondria, thin l.s. of Allium root tips specially fixed and stained to show the mitochondria clearly

15. 봉선화 줄기(쌍떡잎) Impatiens, t.s. of stem

16. 옥수수 줄기(외떡잎) Zea mays, typical monocot stem with scattered bundles, t.s., a standard slide for general study

17. 동백나무과 차나무 잎 구조 Camellia (Thea) sinensis, tea plant, leaf t.s.

* 샘플시료 제작과정에서 재고상황으로 인하여 구성이 달라질 수 있습니다.